

Dan Gibbins, Keith Kollee, Ian Pond, and Devin Warne are a group of people burdened by continuous creative impulses, which they've chosen to weaponize to entertain you, the people.

Recovered heads to the dance with Prom Nights

Recovered heads to the dance with Prom Nights

Grab your corset, rent your limo, and prepare to celebrate with bad choices, because Recovered is going to the prom! For murders! Back in 1980, scream queen Jamie Lee Curtis and not-yet-comedy icon Leslie Nielsen teamed up for Prom Night, a Canadian made horror movie about four teens hunted by a masked killer due to their past misdeeds... well, eventually. After a while. Nearly three decades later, a new team borrows the title and very little else for 2008's Prom Night, in which a teen girl is hunted by an obsessed teacher, and by "hunted" we mean he hangs around her hotel room and waits for victims to show up. How do the Nights Prom hold up as slasher horror? What 90s films does the remake owe more to? Meet us in the gym and we'll find out!

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AVA goes the distance with Rocky

AVA goes the distance with Rocky

A Shark Swims Under the Cuckoo's Nest on Academy Vs Audience

A Shark Swims Under the Cuckoo's Nest on Academy Vs Audience